Contains the most recent direct unit cost of the item.

The field is updated during posting of the following inbound transactions:

The production order is automatically invoiced when the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job is run, but only the first time. This invoicing happens regardless of the invoicing status of related components and capacity. Subsequent runs of the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job do not invoice the production order and, therefore, do not update the last direct cost of the produced item. This means that if components or capacity are later invoiced at a different cost than those at the time of invoicing the produced item, then any cost adjustments of the production output are not reflected in the Last Direct Cost field of that produced item.

The program uses the last direct cost as a default the next time you enter the item on a purchase line or on an item journal line of entry type Purchase or Positive Adjmt.

Depending on the costing method and other conditions, the last direct cost is copied to the Unit Cost field on the item card.


See Also